How to Read Nutrition Facts | Food Labels Made Easy | Swapna Madhuker
Being able to understand and correctly read the labels on food items is vitally important to be able to make good food choices and prepare healthy food in your kitchen. Whether you’re new to keto or have been following a ke
Vegan Proteins: Best Options for a Keto Diet
If you’re a full-time vegan, looking for Keto-friendly options for meat-free Monday, or just want to boost your protein intake and can’t face another steak, we’ve rounded up the top plant-based foods that are high in pr
Best Keto Weightloss Masala Chai | Sugar Swap MAD Masala Chai | Swapna Madhuker
Lots of Indians start their day with a cup of tea. for all of those who are looking for a Keto friendly version of their morning chai. Here’s my recipe. So fragrant and so comforting!Hey Sugar Swappers, welcome to this spec
Weightloss Turmeric Tea | Haldi Detox tea | Turmeric Latte
Make your tea like this to lose weight A simple recipe for weight loss. Make the premix & store in an air tight container to male it whenever you want instantly. Weight loss, Keto, Detox Turmeric Tea! Ingredients:
7 Day Indian Keto Diet Plan for fast weight loss
Keto. This word (and diet) has taken the world by storm. Everyone, ranging from the awarded Megan Fox to your friendly neighbour, has jumped on to the Keto bandwagon and how! So what is Keto? Keto gets its name from the
Keto Fish Tikka
Keto Fish Tikka Have been craving for fish for a long time. I loved this recipe more than the south indian one..I had it all by itself. It was clean and very fresh tasting & very filling. It real flaky juicy flesh of th
Keto Cauliflower Curry | Swapna Madhuker
Cauliflower Curry is a simple vegetarian preparation. This quick preparation can be a stuffing for your tortillas or keto rotis.I have shared the links for my recipes down below. You can also eat this as a side dish for any p
Low-Carb Lassi
2 cups 480 ml ice-cold water 7 oz / 200 g organic, full-fat plain Greek or Turkish yogurt 1/4 teaspoon unrefined sea salt OR Himalayan salt Place all ingredients in a blender jar. Blend until smooth and frothy. Serve
MadCoffee | How to
Introducing India’s first Weight loss coffee! Now loose weight while you drink yummy frothy coffee or lets just say MadCoffee. Heres how to make it 1 tbsp MadCoffee of you choice 1 cup hot water Sugar Swap Stevia : opti
Cucumber With Butter | Keto
1 ½ – cucumber, sliced 3 tbsp – butter, unsalted PREPARATIONS Just saute / fry the cucumber pieces in butter & eat or simply spread the butter on the cucumber n enjoy. Energy : 280 – 380 kcal.